NewsImages at MediaEval 2022 in Bergen, Norway

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

The MediaEval conference 2022 has been held in Bergen, Norway. The conference has been co-located with the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling to foster an exchange of ideas between the communities. The NewsImages is part of MediaEval since 2018. NewsImages researches methods for analyzing the use of multimedia in the news […]

Impressions from the LWDA Conference 2022 in Hildesheim

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

The LWDA conference (acronym for ”Learning, Knowledge, Data, Analytics”) is a conference organized by the German Computer Science Society. The conference covers recent research in areas such as databases, information systems, knowledge discovery, machine learning, data mining, and knowledge management.

In 2022, the conference has been held at the University of Hildesheim […]

Announcing MediaEval NewsImages 2022

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

The MediaEval NewsImages challenges has received growing interest in the last years. This is the movivation for us to continue the NewsImages challenge also in 2022. NewsImages provides a dataset and forum for researching the relation between texts and images in news. Images in news should attract the users attention, guide the […]

The DAI Labor provides several datasets for research purpose

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

At our lab we actively work on research projects in the domain of

Language-models and Chatbots Semantic knowledge processing and knowledge graphs Recommender Systems

In this post, we lists datasets we have been using in DAI-Lab’s publications. All datasets are publicly available by sending an email to corpora(at) or to the author […]

Announcing the 9th INRA workshop, held in conjunction with RecSys 2021.

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

ACM RecSys is the leading conference in the research areas of recommender systems. In 2021 in RecSys conference will be held as a hybrid event. The physical part will take place in the Amsterdam Conference Center (the former Amsterdam Stock Exchange Building). The physical sessions are planned for the morning sessions; the […]

ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2019 and International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics

Author: Benjamin Kille

The ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems was held in Copenhagen from 16th to 20th September 2019. The 13th edition of RecSys features three days of conference talks followed by two days for workshops and tutorials. The program included two keynote speeches. First, Mireille Hildebrandt explored how the EU’s GDPR affects recommender […]

Presenting our Chatbot Research at the LWDA Conference 2019 in Berlin

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

The 2019 LWDA conference has been held in Berlin from September 30th to October 2nd, 2019. This year’s venues have been the Smart Data Forum (next to the TU Berlin) in and the Berlin School of Library and Information Science (next to the main building of the Humboldt-University Berlin). The conference is […]

Presenting our Multimedia-based Recommender Approaches at the 19th I4CS Conference

Author: Andreas Lommatzsch

The International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems (I4CS) has been held in the CongressPark Wolfsburg, June 24 – 26, 2019.

This year the conference focuses was on Digital Innovations for the Public and Mobility Services. The conference focus was especially visible at the second day of the conference. The day started […]

Multi-Media Analysis for Recommender Systems

The World Wide Web had initially comprised a collection of texts in the form of HTML documents. Over the years, organizations and increasingly users have added a variety of multimedia. Today, popular web portals attract viewers not only with captivating stories but audio, images, and videos.

Users continue struggling with the vast amount of information […]

NewsREEL Multimedia at MediaEval’18

Author: Benjamin Kille

This year’s edition of our news recommendation challenge NewsREEL focused on multimedia data. We asked participants to estimate which articles would become popular solely based on their textual and visual features. A large-scale data set collected by our long-term partners at plista facilitated evaluating different algorithms.

The MediaEval benchmark brings different evaluation […]