Tutorial @ Informatik’14: Call for Participation

Together with our project partners from plista GmbH, we will provide a tutorial (in German language) at INFORMATIK’14 on processing data streams in real-time. The Annual Informatik conference is the largest computer science conference series in the German-speaking world. This year, practitioners and scientists will meet in Stuttgart to discuss latest advancements in the field of Big Data.
In the tutorial, we will present an open platform which allows researchers to benchmark news recommender algorithms in real-time. Participants will learn to deal with a continuous stream of requests for news article recommendations and, upon completion of the tutorial, will have learned everything they need to know in order to participate in NEWSREEL. NEWSREEL is a campaign-style evaluation lab which is organised as part of the Conference and Labs of Evaluation Forum (CLEF). Within NEWSREEL, participants can deploy their own news recommender algorithms and have them tested by potentially millions of users in a living lab scenario.

Further details about the tutorial can be found on the Github repository of the tutorial. Details about the registration process and other events of Informatik are presented on the conference webpage.

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