Workshop Reviews in Spring Issue of BCS Informer

As mentioned earlier (see CfPs here and here), we were involved in running MindTheGap’14 and GamifIR’14, two workshops that cover central research challenges that we work on at IRML.

The MindTheGap 2014 workshop, held 4 March in conjunction with the iConference in Berlin, aimed to bring together researchers from different domains (including Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems) to discuss the idea of going beyond search as a “single shot”, i.e., an isolated single query, and move towards more user based and personalised models.

The Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR) workshop was held at ECIR 2014 on 13 April in Amsterdam. The workshop focused on the challenges and opportunities that gamification may present for the information retrieval (IR) community.

In the current issue (Spring 2014) of the BCS Informer, you can find detailed reviews about these workshops.

Workshop Review: MindTheGap’14 by Jon Chamberlain
Workshop Review: GamifIR’14 by Gabriella Kazai

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