Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the 1st International Workshop on the Visualization of Heterogeneous Multimedia Content, held in conjunction with ICME 2014.
Most of the time when we speak of multimedia corpora, we think of homogeneous datasets consisting of either audio files, videos or sensor data. In recent years, however, we could observe the creation of more and more heterogeneous corpora that consist of data from different sources and of different modality. A typical example are visual lifelogs, i.e., private data collections consisting of large numbers of automatically recorded images, video snippets and accompanying sensor streams. Visualizing such heterogeneous and often large multimedia corpora raise novel challenges that cannot easily be addressed by existing visualization methodologies that have been developed for homogeneous datasets. However, not only visualizing but also browsing such multimedia corpora is a challenging task that needs new interaction and filtering methods in addition to textual queries. This workshop aims to provide a platform for multimedia practitioners and researchers to discuss emerging research trends in this field.
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