CC IRML @ European Data Forum 2012

The European Data Forum (EDF) took place for the first time in Copenhagen. It was intended as a meeting place for people from industry, research and all others interest in Big Data and the challenges coming with it. CC IRML was, of course, one of the party. Our own Michael Meder presented our current research topics, amongst others the IDBB project.

The EDF had many interesting presentations about Open Data and Linked Open Data and was a great platform for the exchange between research and industry.

One of the goals was to find partners for upcoming EU calls (FP7, etc.). For all who missed the EDF and couldn’t talk to Michael, here is a brief overview:

  • CC IRML offers deep knowledge and great experience in the fields recommender systems and natural language processing. We did lots of projects in these fields – check out our project overview (here and here) and demo section.
  • We are interested in participating in upcoming calls where we can contribute with our knowledge especially with focus on recommender system evaluation, semantic recommendations, linked data, named entity disambiguation, opinion mining and gamification.
The presented poster from EDF:


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